Tuesday, August 26, 2008


Tonite I feel the need to blog. Not sure why, but am compelled to write about the intensely personal God that I serve. Hopefully this will encourage someone along the way.
Sundays are a mixed day of emotions for me. We have to get up, get our stuff ready for our services, out the door, and pray that God blesses it and we experience Him in a supernatural way. Some services we are running late - try as we may, our week is filled with busyness and I feel like we can barely get out the door without forgetting something. But nonetheless we serve the church in the only way we can. Sometimes we fall flat on our faces, wondering who we offended and why people can't have grace enough to overlook our mistakes.
Anyways, I better get to my point. Sunday morning was one of those times I felt like we fell flat on our face. There were only 3 people in the service...and one left early - probably because the worship music was completely off key. I had a hard time hearing the key by our guitarist because he was singing too.
But it was one of those times where you want to go bury your head in the sand and cry because you think you are making an impact, then only 2 people show up!
Then there was the night service, and God in his grace, mercy & love showed up in the midst of the praise and worship time as well as the preaching of the Word. I sensed His Spirit so strongly that I just fell on my knees and worshipped Him.
I say all of this to say that my Jesus is so personal that He reaches down to our needs, and takes care of them. During the worship time, I just felt like the Lord was giving me a hug! He does things like that to let us know that He is not just a force or an ethereal being; but He cares for you and for me! He loves us deeply and intensely with a passion unlike any other.
Just my thoughts for the evening. Now I must go to sleep!

Wednesday, August 20, 2008


My friend posted a video clip of Obama's stance on live-birth abortions that were supposedly passed in the Illinois Senate. I feel as if I have to post it because I had never heard of this before. I have tried to remain neutral about presidential candidacy, and am not promoting McCain either. I just think this practice is abhorrent and we need to be informed of the issues at hand.
So when I watched this video, there were a few things going on in my mind - 1)Why didn't this nurse speak out earlier or try to do something about what was going on? That part is left out of this video. Also this video can be quite manipulative - especially with the scene at the end.
We should have known abortion carried out to its extreme would result in this. Perhaps the issue of legalizing abortion has desensitized us so much that our national leaders are accepting of this practice.
A friend of mine and I were just having a conversation about becoming desensitized to issues that she once viewed as wrong - such as smoking marijuana. She said that before she came to this country - her view about it was that is was wrong. But coming here she has met so many people who smoke marijuana every day, and she would never have imagined that these "normal people" would be using. For her she is now wondering if it is so bad as she thought. This is called "desensitization." It can happen with any major issue. And I believe it has happened with this issue too. If you hang out with people who do somewhat questionable things opposed to your own morals and values soon you will become desensitized. This nation's leaders are becoming desensitized to the issues. We'll fight for animal rights, but what about the rights of these babies that are literally being left alone to die?
Here is the video -

Wednesday, August 13, 2008

electricity out for a few hours... & 4 year anniversary!

Tonite we had the electricity out all throughout the canyon. Brian & I decided to look for ice to place our refrigerated items in because we weren't sure how long it would last. Interestingly enough by the time we got everything in the coolers, ate dinner and started cleaning up the lights went on. I'm not sure if I was glad about that or disappointed to not be able to have a little adventure and "camp out" inside the house :)

Tomorrow is our 4th anniversary! I've been blessed to be married 4 years to a wonderful hubby and a caring daddy. The 4 best years of my life. I love you baby! Happy Anniversary :)

Wednesday, July 30, 2008

Herding Cats!

Pastoring has its challenges, and we love it, but I never thought of this analogy, but it really hits the nail on the head! Check it out - Pastoring: It's like herding cats! :)

Monday, July 21, 2008

Our backyard

Potty training

Here is the latest pic of Mercy. She is learning how to be potty trained & today was her first day of using the potty :) Hopefully it will sink in soon and she'll understand what happened.

Sunday, July 13, 2008

there and back again

Well, we went on our trip to California. We got to spend good quality time with family, and had a meaningful memorial at David's gravesite.
We each put a white rose in the container for the flowers and said something meaningful to David or a memory of him. We handed Mercy a white rose too, and after Brian spoke and put the rose in, it was almost like she knew it was her turn. She needed a little bit of help, but she seemed to want to be a part.
David loved Mercy so much. He was happy to be an uncle. He was pretty amazed at the technology of our 3-D ultrasound too. We made him a copy of a 3-D video because at the time we didn't know how much time we had with him.
Anyways, it was good time with extended family, but we didn't get alot of time for just us 3. So it wasn't really a vacation for us.
But I am glad to be home, and back in the swing of things.

Today was a full day with church in the morning, family in the afternoon, property olympics in the later afternoon, church in the evening, then family time saying goodbye to Brian's parents after church. A full day, a good day & a memorable one at that.

Last week at church, my dad prayed for Zonnie & she was healed. God healed her of some problems with her nose. So she shared that tonight. I have been stepping out & playing some praise & worship on the keyboard. All I really know are chords, so that is something I know can be worked on. Then after I shared, we all celebrated one friend's decision to commit her life to Christ. She is such a sweetheart and has been close to making this commitment for a little while. We are happy for her new life and the different changes that are taking place in her life.

Well, I gotta go - I am worn out, can hardly keep my eyes open...............gdnt!

Friday, July 4, 2008

Happy 4th :)

Just a little note to say - Happy 4th of July everyone!! Hope you had an excellent day.
We had a good time with family in the evening - we got a good portion of spring cleaning done around the house, and perhaps tomorrow we will be off for California!
Although we didn't see fireworks, we enjoyed our day.

Wednesday, July 2, 2008

Missing Thai friends...

Just wanted to leave a post saying how much I miss Fairy, Honey, Joe, Sandy and all my other Thai friends...
for the short time they were here, we were able to share culture, community & friendship and I am so grateful that we were able to learn from each other while you were here. They really loved Mercy and she became "little sister" to everyone in Thai town.
Hopefully we shall see each other again.

TNIV Renaissance Bible

I am excited to announce that I am going to receive one of the TNIV Renaissance Bibles when they come out. I so appreciate Rick Mansfield for allowing me to be a participant in the giveaway.

Since I probably do not have a wide crowd of people reading my blog, for those of you who do not know, the TNIV is an update of the New International Version of the Bible.
Now it is difficult to explain here in a few paragraphs the importance of knowing which translation of the Bible you may be reading, and also knowing how the canon of scripture we call the Bible came to be. Someone once told me, "you mean the Bible wasn't originally written in the King James Version?" I had to chuckle and say "no." It was originally written in Hebrew, Greek and some Aramaic words as well. Which means not only do translators and scholars have to translate the language into accurate meanings, but they have to go through knowing different time periods and cultures to bring an clear, concise and understandable translation into English - not just for Americans, but for English speakers of all ethnic backgrounds.
This is part of the reason why I love the TNIV. I believe that it is a balanced view of translation and biblical scholarship and also takes out previous gender biases.

I know alot of well meaning Christians would say, "oh, we all understand that it means people when it says "men." Take for example, in the NIV 1 Corinthians 9:22 says, " To the weak I became weak, to win the weak. I have become all things to all men so that by all possible means I might save some." TNIV changes it by saying 'all people' which now includes everyone. The original word is "pasin" (can't find greek font-thus my own transliteration). It is in the dative form, plural and this word could be translated either masculine or neuter (if I'm remembering my Greek correctly.) Instead of having only masculine & feminine words (such as is the case in Spanish), Greek has 3 - masculine, feminine & neuter. Therefore it could go either way. And I believe Paul wrote this to mean all people, not only men. So why did the first translators choose to go with "men" instead of "people"? Well, it was most likely because they were a product of their own times. Within theological circles King James was prominent, and it was something that most people in church were use to hearing.

Today we do not talk this way - we don't say "How many men died in the earthquake?" or "How many men were there in church?" We use the term "people". This includes everyone - men and women.
If I do not have my TNIV Bible on me, and am talking to someone who has no previous knowledge about the Bible, and I use a verse that has the word "men", they look at me strangely and I have to backtrack and explain what it truly means. So therefore the TNIV Bible goes straight to the point, accurate and understandable. Because for us here as pastors for Grand Canyon Assembly of God, the majority of the people we minister to do not have a previous knowledge of church or the Bible. In this way we feel that we are missionary pastors, reaching out, starting from the beginning, building a foundation that will last a lifetime and beyond for all who are under our care.

Tuesday, July 1, 2008

Brian & I are gearing up for a busy weekend. We are attempting to have a church fundraiser at the Conoco station selling chili dogs & frybread to passers by in the Tusayan parade. We have had a couple people donate things to us which is so wonderful and a huge help. I just pray everything will go smoothly and we will get the permit we need.

On another note - we will be going to California this coming week to join Brian's family to remember his brother David's life. He passed away a year ago on the 8th from brain cancer - the most aggressive and worst kind a person could have. But he lived longer than the doctors said that he would, and he was able to meet his niece Mercy when she was 4 months old (she was alot chubbier). I know that it is always difficult to lose a loved one, and David lived a full life. I didn't really get a chance to know him as well as I would have liked, but the memories that I have of him while he was in his last months were sweet and caring.

Although we do not like to think of this or talk about suffering, I believe that suffering can be a chance to look at what is important in our lives and hang on to that. Instead of getting caught up in stuff that really isn't worth anything.

It will be good to be with Brian's family, and visit the beach for awhile. We'll only really be gone for 3 days straight, then we'll be on the road and his parents will be here for a few days.
I'd like to post something really thought provoking, but at this point am tired...
It has been a long day, and I need to relax now.


Friday, June 20, 2008

First Blog on Blogspot :)

I have made somewhat of a jump from Xanga to blogspot momentarily. I do not blog all that often, because I get sucked into the internet and must prioritize things in my life. But tonight I got woke up by Brian's side of the bed breaking (we have an ikea bed where there are a bunch of wooden slats connected together and when one gets out of place, that side of your bed collaspes.) Then after that happened, I started sneezing uncontrollably. Once I get up from sleep - if I have too much on my mind, I cannot go back to sleep for awhile. So rather than just lay there tossing and turning, I decided to peruse the internet blogging world.

A little bit about myself - I am a Christ-follower, wife of a loving husband, mommy to a beautiful little girl and a Pastor here in the Grand Canyon. I will be honest - it is difficult to juggle all of these and more as I have a part time job too.

So right now, I am thinking of all the things that have yet to get finished...I cannot decide what to write...it has been an hour since my first thoughts transpired. It is so late, I must go to bed before my brain goes to mush.